CVN Kalari Puthur

CVN Kalari Puthur

CVN Kalari, Puthur offers specialized training segments to the people who are getting trained under our institution. Our training program focuses on the development of holistic personality.
• We provide basic physical fitness exercises to attain healthy body and mind
• Training (special segment and exercises) to the aged people to balance their regular health
• Training in accordance with the needs of people who suffer from various formentation
• We provide the training on weaponry to the students who have completed the basic levels of Kalari physical training
Physical discipline along does not suffice. A discipline in mind is equally required to face any situation with power. The gurukkal of Kalari is inspired by the “Bhagavath Geetha” upon the importance of mental health. Meditation is prescribed for a student of Kalari who has undertaken the practice of this Martial art for a length of time. The emphasis on physical discipline is balanced by an equal emphasis on mental discipline. Our main motive of this online session is to provide the people with basic physical fitness to maintain a good physique and lead a happy life. Our online classes mainly focuses on the enhancement of life to become better half to the community. Provides different exercise and basic techniques of Kalarippayattu to get a relief from stress, headache, problems related to ortho, nerves, joints and various arthritic and orthopaedic ailments.